I have a 3d printed sand polisher from different designs from various users at Thingiverse. Especially for small 3d printed parts made of PETG, where the surface is often not perfect, I hope to be able to significantly improve the surface finish over several polishing processes.
A simple 12 V geared motor PGM-37DC12/21 from Pollin is used for the drive. The glass is from IKEA from the 365+ product range (3.3 l, AA-2061001-2).
Parts from Thingiverse
From the user Reittec_m and its 170 mm kit I have used exclusively the drum rip. All other parts come from other remixes:
From the user Reittec_m and its original Kit I used only the casing parts:
The plastic bearings provided were insufficient for me. User Kirlov has made a well-functioning remix of 608 ball bearings:
The base presented in the original kit is much too thin. In particular, the height adjustment breaks off immediately. User ort has constructed a much more stable base plate here:
The originally intended drive gear is difficult to fix. You need a very long grub screw or have to improvise somehow (like me). User Gunslinger59 has modified the drive gear in such a way that it can be accessed from the side with an Allen key. He has also redesigned the support rollers so that an o-ring can be pulled over them and the glass does not rest directly on the plastic roller:
The drum gear proposed by inventor reittec is very difficult to fix. User Fasel has created a more stable version here:
Electronics and Hardware