Determination of the relative density of filaments with a pycnometer

Introduction All common slicers for 3D printing require the specification of the relative density of the filament. This information has no influence on the printing behavior, but is required to calculate the costs, print volume and length of the required filament.In principle, it is possible to calculate this value using the mass and a little …

Sand Polisher

Introduction I have a 3d printed sand polisher from different designs from various users at Thingiverse. Especially for small 3d printed parts made of PETG, where the surface is often not perfect, I hope to be able to significantly improve the surface finish over several polishing processes. A simple 12 V geared motor PGM-37DC12/21 from …

Microscope Ringlight

Introduction Circular, uniform and bright illumination is an essential requirement in stereomicroscopy. Unfortunately, cheap ringlights are either not bright enough or too simple in design. Industrial illumination systems for stereomicroscopes (e.g. SCHOTT, or ZEISS), on the other hand, are ridiculously expensive. So it was up to me to build something of my own. I have …

Universal bottle washer for the sink

Introduction For quite some time I have been annoyed by the fact that it takes a lot of effort to clean bottles. In the dishwasher they do not get properly clean or deposits form in them. To rinse the bottles constantly by hand with glass beads or rice takes me too long. So I had …

Laser measuring device for the sharpening angle of knives (Laser Goniometer)

In addition to the steel alloy, the grinding angle of the blade is decisive for the sharpness and service life of a knife blade. The smaller the angle, the thinner the blade can be ground and the sharper it is. However, this significantly reduces the time in which the knife is sharp. The material removal …

Housing for Mean Well LRS-100 power supply unit

Simple but functional housing for the Mean Well LRS-100 power supply series. I have provided large dimensioned ventilation openings, as well as two mounting points for the power supply. Two holes with a diameter of 6 mm can be used to insert the cable for mains voltage and operating voltage. A rectangular opening with the …

Cable comb with 10 slots for measurement cables

A simple cable comb created from Thingiverse user NT7S fantastic openSCAD customizer. Unfortunately the Thingiverse customizer doesn’t work anymore, but the file can be opened without problems with openSCAD and edited directly there.I have taken the default settings from user NT7S for the most part. I increased the number of prongs to 10 and the distance between the prongs from …

Microscope ocular (eyepiece) protection cap

Dust and grease are the biggest enemy of good optics. Of course, this is especially true for microscopes and telescopes. As a matter of principle, every microscope should be covered with a dust cover after use. The eyepieces are particularly sensitive, as they are the only part of the optics directly exposed to the user. …

A microscopic view of dull and sharpened knife blades

Knife blades become dull with the time of their use. On the one hand, the steel wears out (nicks) and on the other hand, the finely ground phase bends. Both depend primarily on the type of use and secondarily on the alloy of the steel, its hardening and the grinding angle. The grinding angle is …

Mounting frame for window in printer housing

I opted for a purely utilitarian but highly functional housing for my printer. No colorful and flashing lights, no gimmicks. For me, it’s a working machine and I’ve never seen anyone put their CNC milling machine in a brightly lit plexiglass case. I have built my housing from cheap mdf boards. From the inside it …